High school is the best four years of your life. A phrase so commonly used by the people who were responsible for singling out the nerds, the band geeks, the goths and the general outcasts leaving the genetically gifted ruling the halls.

In a time where "The Real Slim Shady" was the theme song of every teenage boy Eminem want-a-be and paroxide bottles were sold out in pharmacies across the country was an insecure boy named Schmidt (Jonah Hill) desperate for the approval of his peers.
Jenko (Channing Tatum) is the stereotypical jock. He lives for high school, but to his demise high school is a finite institution, eventually it ends. He tries to pick up the pieces and move on as a cadet in the police academy. There he meets the man who he constantly made fun of in high school. Jenko is forced to ask Schmidt, his counter part, to be his friend due to Jenko's highly inadaquate test scores. And so it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Together Jenko and Schmidt graduate from the academy leaving them with the job only given to new guys, park patrol. But the story makes a surprising twist when Jenko and Schmidt get themselves thrown off park duty and tossed into Jump Street 21.
The movie started out hilarious. I have not laughed at a movie that hard in a long time, however as the movie progressed it became increasingly more vulgar. The constant obscene sexual references as well as the constant use of the F-word was extremely distracting. It took away from the humor and I walked out disappointed that the rest of the movie was disgusting instead of funny.
Sophmoric & gruesome
Rated: R
109 minutes
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